Monday, January 24, 2011

Why Poker?

Well as I sit here nursing my last beat with a nice tall vodka cocktail I ask myself why poker?  I mean the game that I once fell in love with seems to be more like going to the dentist then fun anymore!  I hadn't played a few days and since I needed to get my shopping and cooking done for the week I didn't play first thing in the morning.  So tonight I play the the 5r NL Omaha H/L and man that thing is fast 10 min levels.  Well never got really any cards but somehow I wake up its bubble time 81 peeps 12 get paid.  I am sitting ok with like 15 bb's or so ready to bubble this finial table too like the $22 plo h/l the other week.  Next thing I know boom finial table.  Thanks to my boy tollthebell bubbling the finial table.  Thanks man I needed more then you!  He's had a great week playing great man keep it up.  Anyhow done with the shoutouts he's the dude that started me out playing h/l.  So never get that many hands had to steal when I could wasn't ever all in till I had like 3 bb's left and doubled up doubled again and boom I am back in it.  Till the jackass that has been stealing every pot pre raises my bb and I snap call with AAT9 and obv his AK45 hits two pair on river boom I am gone.  After I pick up my headphones from across the floor noticing that I am angry as hell I ask myself WHY POKER?  I mean I never get upset never have a temper but this game makes me mad.  So why the hell do I play a game that never ends, I mean u never "beat poker".  Sure you can beat the rake and make money but there's never a end point.  I don't know I guess having the worse month ever and never ever having a winning day will make you think like this.  I mean this is my second winning day of the month and wow four hours for $10 american yup US.  Wow.  Ok end rant I am over it. So thats my poker update. Poker can suck it!

On another note other things are going great work started off shitty this week but ended nice last night made $450 b4 I had to tip out so not bad for 6 hours of work.  Walking home with $325 makes me happy.  Ha and as far as my budget this month I have covered all my bills by the 22nd so with last night and the 5 nights this week coming up that will be all savings!  I am so happy so should def save like 1300-1500 this month.  Seeing that makes me stick to it.  Need to go the gym this week still have not started that.  But hopefully I will this week.  Anyhow good luck out there if there is anyone that actually reads this b.s.

So anyone that reads this I ask you WHY POKER?  leave me a comment and let me know hopefully it will help.

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